Кроме того он говорит, что продажи первого тома были очень неутешительные... почти до рассмотрения, стоит ли выпускать книги дальше (он говорит, что это угроза, да), поэтому если вы можете и в состоянии купить томики, поддержите автора и купите. Если кому-то нужно, я готов поискать ссылки интернет-магазинов.
RAW 54 тома вышла cartoon.media.daum.net/webtoon/viewer/14845 Это СУПЕР глава.
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А вот и спойлеры:
читать дальшеPage 1
ShiWoon: Not strong enough...
ShiWoon: Then...
ShiWoon: One more time...
Page 3
Glasses: !!
Glasses: Wha... what? That guy...
ShiWoon: Ch... To think he'd be able to avoid it...
JiGun: Hey... you...
ShiWoon: I can't lose this momentum!
ShiWoon: The reason I was able to get him was because he was caught off guard!
ShiWoon: If I don't take advantage of this chance!
Glasses: Kk!
Page 4
Glasses: Kk!
ShiWoon: However I can...
ShiWoon: I have to take him down!
ShiWoon: That's the only way I can save Jini.
Page 6
Suit: Something is strange. There's no way it should be this blocked... It might be that there was an accident up ahead.
Suit: [Something about the destination being right around the mountain or some shit I ain't translating this.]
Suit: Sir! It make take some time but turning the car around and taking the opposite road...
Suit: Eh?
Elder: Are you sure that the target we're looking for is just beyond that mountain?
Suit: Ah, yes.
Page 7
Elder: All right. Give that to me. I'll be going by myself from this point. [This probably refers to the phone thing.]
Suit: Sir! Going alone would be dangerous! We will guard...
Suit: Eh?
Suit: Woah...
Suit: Then... have a nice trip. [Ugh translation seems a bit offy fuck that wait for scans.]
Suit: He's like a ghost. [Probably a better translation would be along the lines of "He's not human" or something like that.]
Page 8
Elder: This is actually better. [Not satisfied with this translation.]
Elder: Since I can get rid of that kid quietly this way.
Elder: If it's someone who caused the head house this much commotion, I can no longer leave things be!
Elder: Is it that way?
Page 9
Elder: Hmm? That guy is using martial arts...?
Elder: How... That kid, wasn't his danjeon broken?
Glasses: Tsk!
Glasses: Kk... Is it broken? The pain isn't going away...
Glasses: Just what is that guy? He's completely different from last time!
Page 10
JiGun: That guy... Did something happen since then? How could he...
ShiWoon(?): Kkk!
JiGun: ...
JiGun: His skills may have skyrocketed,
JiGun: But his opponent is one of the five heads of the S.U.C...
JiGun: To win with vigor / spirit alone is difficult!
Elder: The power of his punches are fairly impressive. Is that what he used to injure his opponent's leg?
Elder: But... Even if he has attacks that pack a punch... If his opponent is someone that skilled then it's no use. [Ha ha I made a pun did you catch it?]
Page 11
ShiWoon: Tsk! His movements are faster than I thought! If this goes on...!
ShiWoon: I... I missed?
Glasses: Did you think you could take me on with nothing but a fist that can't even land properly?
Originally Posted by Page 12
Glasses: Let's finish this farce / child's play.
Elder: Is that the finishing blow?
Glasses: HweRyongBalGyuk! (Spinning Dragon Shooting? Strike)
Page 13
Elder: Hmm?
Glasses: Yu JiGun!!
Page 14 ~ 15
JiGun: D... damn!
Page 16
ShiWoon: Ugggh...
JiGun: Uuuu...
ShiWoon: Yu... Yu JiGun! Are you all right?
JiGun: Kkkk!
Page 17
JiGun: Hey... You, what are you doing?
JiGun: Your opponent is one of the S.U.C. heads... [Kinda iffy for me to translate second part.]
JiGun: Focus. [Something about watching for a chance.]
ShiWoon: Yu JiGun!
ShiWoon: Yu JiGun, hang in there!
Glasses: All of his breastbone is probably broken. [What the fuck this sentence sounds so fucking weird I mean breastbone seems way too fucking awkward to use in a sentence.]
Page 18
Glasses: Heh... was he trying to catch me off guard? Smiling Blade.
Glasses: Be grateful towards Smiling Blade while you can. If he hadn't interfered then your corpse would be the one lying there.
Elder: It seems as if there is no need for me to do anything.
Elder: The only reason you were able to fight up until ago was because you couldn't comprehend the level of your opponent,
Elder: But with that clash you should have felt his level.
Elder: In a duel, the moment you become aware of the difference in level is when your mind and movements wither.
Page 19
Elder: And that means the end of the duel is nearing...
Elder: Hm?
Glasses: How admirable. Even after seeing my HweRyongBalGyuk you still think to fight?
Page 20
ShiWoon: I still haven't displayed all my skills!
Glasses: Heh... skills, you say.
Glasses: I'll praise the fact that you managed to reach a level capable of opposing me in such a short time.
Glasses: But the undeniable fact is that you'll die here.
Синее на последней странице, это в основном две темы:
1. Это про конкурс, подробности о котором можно прочесть в блоге художника. Но нас это никак не касается, потому что он скорее всего только для корейцев.
You can see the event on the blog but basically you either post a review of the book or a photo proving that you bought the book and you can win 1) an iPAD, 2) signed copies of the first season or 3) I have no idea what the third one is something to do with snowboarding but fuck snowboarding it's torture that's why they call it snowboarding because it's waterboarding but with snow.
2. Главы с 1-18 станут для платного просмотра из-за выхода первых двух томов Брейкера.
Basically, I believe that whenever a volume is released the chapters in that volume stop being free but then again it's not likely to affect y'all since 1) you guys don't really read the raws and 2) the only raws that matter are the latest chapters and those will technically always be free since by the time they get put into a volume they'll be old chapters and a newer chapter will be out.