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Спойлеры 28 главы на английском от ChaoticKen:
читать дальшеQuote: Page 1 "Ku ku ku! That's right. You might not have been aware but S.U.C. has been observing you closely all this time."
"What's that? This S.U.C?"
"Soldiers Under Command. Students who follow the commands of the Nine Arts Dragon faithfully."
"Did sunseng-nim have pupils other than me? Wait, has sunseng-nim returned?"
"He heh~ You seem surprised."
"You probably thought you were special or something. Being the only pupil of the greatest martial artist, the Nine Arts Dragon."
"But you're nothing more than a toy. His true disciples are the S.U.C. They are the ones who will rule the world with him." Quote: Page 2 "What are you talking about? Sunseng-nim ruling the world? Sunseng-nim is..."
"Aah... Well, I'm just the observer so you can hear that from someone else!"
"Just wait a bit. A S.U.C. member's gonna come to take you on. Try sparring with him to see who the real student of the Nine Arts Dragon is."
"Wa... wait a minute!"
"Unless you want to fight me first, keep your mouth shut."
"Stay quiet while I make the call." Quote: Page 3 "Just what's going on?"
"Where's Jini at a time like this? If only she were here, this wouldn't have..."
"How pathetic..."
"... I am."
"When sunseng-nim was here I over-relied on him and now I'm over-relying on Jini." Quote: Page 4 "If you don't have courage inside you, there won't be anybody else who can save you!"
"If sunseng-nim had seen me like this how disappointed would he have been?"
"That's right, I have to escape with my own strength. I need to find a way..."
"Yes, that's exactly it."
"He had a duel yesterday but came to school just fine. That means he without a doubt knows how to use martial arts..."
"Hello! Is this the police station? I'm calling from the storehouse of the Nine Dragon High School."
"Please come! They're trying to kill someone!" Quote: Page 5 "Hey! You bastard! That's cheating! That's not a place a Murim-in should be calling!"
"Give me that!"
"Why you!" Quote: Page 6 "Wha..."
"!" Quote: Page 7 "Hmph! Trying to run away?"
"*sucking in air noises*"
"Not with that kinda speed!"
"Studying foot techniques paid off. Even if I'm just copying it since I can't use negong."
"Plus if it's running I've been doing it everyday..."
"Ku ku ku ~ Surprised? This is the Ap Bukk Gong (압복, meaning "subjection by force", "subduing", etc. and 공 meaning ball) that I'm proud of."
"0.1 ton pressure is a memorable attack!"
"If you don't want to be flattened like a squid, go back obediently to that place."
"Uuuu... u...."
"N, never!"
"Kids these days just can't be reasoned with."
"*more sucking noises*" Quote: Page 10 "Uwaaaa!"
"This can't be happening!" Quote: Page 11 "I'm going to get killed if this goes one!"
"Wha... what do I do?"
"What should I..."
"Remember this well."
"The perfect attack comes out only when the enemy you're up against is perfectly careless!"
"Think of the moment where you become scared and want to dodge as the best time for you to make a counterattack."
"Watch closely! This is what you're going to be learning today."
"A human's body has parts that can't be trained no matter how hard to try. Those parts are called vital points. Martial arts attacks generally target those parts." Quote: Page 12 "Ha ha ha! You can't dodge this one!"
"App Buk Gong! 0.1 ton pressure~!"
"Explode!" Quote: Page 13 ~ 14 "Nwe Gyuk Gwun!!" (Not really sure what this means. Nwa could be "brain" or "lightning" while gyuk means "strike" and gwun means "fist". I do think it's suppsed to be ne/내 as in "inner" but I may be wrong.)
"Aaaah.. So this is what 0.1 ton of pressure"
"feels like..." Quote: Page 15 "Kkkkkkk!"
"Kkkk! It... hurts."
"Di, did I dislocate my shoulder?"
"As I thought... using the Ne Gyuk Gwun without any negong is..." (Hah! See! It is Ne, not nwe!)
"How impressive. An attack that uses the enemy's strength against him..."
"Ah...? You... you are?" Quote: Page 16 "What is it? What's the matter?"
"Ah, nothing important... The phone suddenly hung up."
"Who was it?"
"The fatso we sent to Nine Dragon High School."
"Oh, that reminds me. That guy called ChangHo, how long do you plan on covering for him?" Quote: Page 17 "That bastard, despite us warning him, revealed his face after that duel ended last time."
"What if somebody who recognizes him turns up?"
"Send him back. That guy..."
"Huh? What?"
"Since we've bred some hunting dogs, it's time to send them out to the hunting grounds."
И маленькое самарри по этим спойлерам от меня: читать дальшеТолстяк признает, что Сиун все это время был под наблюдением у S.U.C. И добавляет, что Сиун наверное думал, что он особенный, раз стал учеником Дракона Девяти искусств. А на самом деле он был не более чем игрушка, а истинные ученики - это S.U.C., которые вместе с Кумунреном будут править миром. И сейчас один из членов S.U.C. придет, чтобы сразиться с Сиуном и доказать, кто на самом деле является учеником Кумунрена. Сиун укоряет себя за мысли вроде "если бы Джини была здесь" и решает действовать самостоятельно. Он притворился, как будто звонит в полицию, и скопировав движения техники ног только без использования ки, прорывается к выходу. Няшка поборол свой страх и врезал толстяку, но похоже вывихнул плечо (а судя по картинке и локоть). Тем временем нам показывают двоих членов S.U.C. Девушка жалуется, что Чхан Хоя показал своё лицо на последнем бое, хотя они ему запрещали это делать. И интересуется, как долго мужчина собирается покрывать Хою. На что мужчина говорит, что мы натренировали нескольких охотничьих собак, пора их отпустить на охотничьи угодья (похоже Хоя и Сиун скоро встретятся ).